Donations —
What we can and cannot accept
We can not accept:
- Large Appliances and Bases
- House Air Conditioners
- Gasoline Driven Motors, BBQs
- Exercise Machines
- Play Pens, Strollers, Car Seats
- High Chairs, Jolly Jumpers, Cribs
- Filing Cabinets Without Keys
- TV Stands
- Mattresses, Box Springs, Futons
- Any Blinds Unless In New Package
- Sleeping Bags
- Halloween Items
- Used Cosmetics/Toiletries
Spring / Summer : March – August
We cannot accept these items:
- Skates, Skis, Ski Boots
- Snowboards And Boots
- Sleds, Snow Shovels
- Hockey Equipment
Fall / Winter: September – January
We cannot accept these items:
- Lawn Furniture, Hoses
- Inflatable Toys, Mattresses
- Camping Gear
- Bicycles
- Golf Clubs, Bags, Shoes
- Water Sport Items & Boats

Interested in Volunteering?
Our Mission Thrift Store is made possible thanks to hundreds of volunteers who give generously of their time, talent and treasure — month in month out — year round.
Want to join a team with great culture and community? Fill out the form or give us a call at 403-995-8099.